Monday, March 30, 2009

Power Girl digitally inked with Manga Studio

One day I'll have to sit down and ink a whole comics page in Manga Studio. In the meantime I wanted to try something I do far more often-- a pin-up. Again I start with a pencilled piece scanned in to use as a guide. Um, I know this piece has issues, don't stare at it too hard. I'll address that in a bit.

On a separate ink layer, I get to work with the pen tool. I'm quickly pleased with the look I'm getting, since I usually ink with Sakura Microns and alot less variation in weight.

Soon enough I can no longer ignore my complete disregard of anatomy. Instead of fixing the original art or Photoshopping a new guide, I force myself to stay in Manga Studio. Turning off the original pencils layer, I create a new layer to rough in some less-embarrassing body parts. Manga Studio supports a start-to-finish approach to an illustration or a full comics page (or book), and it's sketching and pencilling features can be explored as deep as its inking. All I wanted was a quick and dirty guide to help me get back on track, and that worked well enough.

Manga Studio also supports canvas rotation while drawing, which really came in handy when laying down long lines like legs. Sometimes it's easier with a tablet to stroke horizontal than vertical.

Since I wanted to get more of a black and white solidarity than I normally do (I tend to leave things open for color), I hopped down to another layer to paint in some more blacks. This was cool just in the knowledge of safety, if I went too far I could back up. And If I wanted to experiment with something more bold, I could do so without compromising the original line art. In the end I surprised myself with this piece's "inkyness."

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